Saturday, July 11, 2015

I still don't believe I'm in Mexico

Letter from July 7

​It's been almost 6 weeks maybe? I don't know how to count my days anymore. But it's been a long time, and I still can't believe I'm in Mexico. I can't believe I'm a representative of Jesus Christ and his church, and I can't believe that in exactly one week I will be back in the states, teaching real lessons to real people. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to be here, and for all that I have learned. If the rest of my mission is going to go by as fast as this month has, then I'm gonna have to find more ways to take advantage of every single opportunity. 

Yesterday, I wasn't allowed to speak English. I spoke Spanish for the whole day and didn't even cry. So that is a good sign. It's amazing how much I have learned. But it's even more amazing how much I still have to learn. As long as people wanna talk about the gospel, then I should be good to go. But the second someone starts talking about real life, I have no idea what they're saying... I don't know what you think, but I feel like it might be important for me to carry on a normal conversation with someone.. But that's okay. 

My very first week I was here, I had the opportunity to watch the funeral session of Elder Perry. This Friday, I again have the chance to see the funeral of Elder Packer. I am grateful for all that these men have done for the church. Their testimonies have strengthened mine. 

In 2 Nephi 4:200, it says, "My God hath been my support; he hath led me through mine afflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep." Remember that God is always there to support you. No matter what you are going through. He will guide you through many afflictions, and even if you feel like you are drowning, he is always there. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. He loves you, and wants you to rely on him. 

I hope you all had a great Fourth of July.
I hope you ate food all day. 
Hermana Sager

This is a little bit from our family letter.  i really liked it and would like to share it with you.

Now, I'm going to tell you about the Fourth of July. Our district had been planning our outfits for this day basically since we showed up here in Mexico. So actually wearing our outfits was awesome. I wore a navy skirt with white polka dots on it, and then a red shirt. I had the idea to make little flags for our name tags like they have at temple square, so that was super cute too. We had our whole zone, so 3 districts, wearing a flag underneath their name tags. When we showed up to breakfast, it was so awesome seeing that almost all of the Americans were wearing red, white, and blue. At lunch, the staff treated us well to some festive celebrations... As celebrative as you can get as a missionary. They laid out table cloths on all the tables, fed us some nice hamburgers, and also fed us pie and ice cream. It was awesome! While we were eating, some Elder's put a small flag in a plastic cup, and put it on top of the juice machine at the end of the cafeteria. They stood and started singing the Star Spangled Banner, and everyone joined in. Some of the workers started recording and taking pictures. It was probably the most patriotic Fourth of July I've ever been involved in, and I'm not even in the right country. My favorite parts of the day is when a Latino would come up to one of us and say "Congratulations on your Independence!" I laughed everytime. In a nice way though.
Congratulations on Your Independence!!

Here's my zone all festive on the Fourth of July with the Mexican flag in the back ground.

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