Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Letter from Mar 21


Last night, we had a member out with us to help with some appointments. It went great. She was a great friend and help during the lesson, sincerely wants to help the families and people progress and to come unto Christ. While we were in the car, she was telling us a story. It was a story that ended with, "I'm from the hood, Sistah!" I lost it. It was so funny. I think we can all agree that stories that end in this way, are bound to be great and mystifying stories. But besides that fact. As she shared her testimony during the lesson, you could feel the power of the spirit testifying to the family. Sincere testimony invites the Spirit. 

Another lesson that we had with this same family earlier on in the week was awesome! We taught a little more about the Book of Mormon and read from the first Chapter with them. It was a 16 year old and a 10 year old, both boys. They were able to understand what Nephi was talking about, and they thought it was a pretty cool way to start a book. We only read half of the chapter, so they made a promise to read the second half. When they had committed to do this, we asked them why they wanted to read the Book of Mormon. Luis, the 16 year old, said, "To gain a testimony." Just like Moroni, we promised him that he would gain a testimony of Christ and his gospel, and the Book of Mormon as the word of God if he put in the effort to read the Book of Mormon and pray about it. To gain anything requires effort. To gain a testimony requires sincere desire, study, prayer, and patience. I know the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, and that a testimony of this book, can start your testimony of all other things. 

I hope you had a great St. Patricks day. Enjoy this week and have a great Easter! Remember all that Christ has done, is doing, and will do for you. I know that he was resurrected, so that we could live in God's presence again if we are clean and worthy. 

Have the best day ever!

Hermana Sager

Hermana Sager, Hermana Visick and their awesome Member friend, 

Love from the Hermanas!!!

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