Hello everyone!
I have now moved into my last week of training! After this week, this transfer, I will no longer be a little trainee missionary! Time has gone by so quickly. It's insane. By next week, I will be into my 3rd transfer in California, but my 4th transfer altogether. I still think it's so insane that I could say that I lived (kinda) in Mexico for a month and a half. And now I've lived in cute little Hemet for 3 months. I hope I get to stay in Hemet 5ever, because I love it. #Hemet5ever
So, I had the opportunity to go to the Redlands temple this last Tuesday! It was really cool experience. I also got Cafe Rio, and that is always nice as well. But while at the temple, I was just marveling over the fact that there was Palm trees by the temple. So I am sending you a picture so you can all marvel too. I just marvel every day still that I'm a missionary. I still can't believe it, but I love it so much. I am so grateful to have this step in my life.
I was reading in Mosiah 23 today, and verse 21 says that the Lord sees a need to chasten us, and that he does so by trying our patience and our faith. We need to not only remain faithful, but continually grow our faith. If we grow our levels of patience and faith while everything is going just fine, then it will be easier to stay faithful and patient through the hard times. But just know that in those two aspects, Heavenly Father is trying or testing you. And He chastens,tests, and tries all those that he loves (Hebrews 12:6).
Have a great day!
Hermana Sager
A few words from our family letter
On Saturday night, I had the opportunity of watching the General Women's meeting! It was so good. When I first saw the inside of the conference center on the screen, It made my heart warm. I was watching a broadcast from my home land. It was really cool. I never realized how lucky I am to live so close to downtown Salt Lake! Even though I've really only been in the conference center a few times, I am so grateful to have ever had that opportunity. So many people would love to be there, and to go to the Salt Lake Temple, and to see President Monson. I am so lucky and so so so grateful. Anyways. The conference was really good! I don't know if you all watched or heard about it, but President Uchtdorf's talk was really cool! It's so true how everyone can learn something different if you are focusing on feeling the spirit. How bout, the little video that played during the middle of it.. The one about Melanie! She was the stake camp director for like my first 1 or 2 years of girls camp! That was really cool seeing her story. She taught my how to memorize Proverbs 3:5-6 and Helaman 5:12. And then she was teaching those little kids a scripture too. It was really cool.
So yesterday at church, Juan was confirmed! He is officially a member of the church. He's so cute. I love that family.
Hermana Rutherford and Hermana Sager out side the Redlands Temple |
The Redlands Temple and palm trees |
Here's these terrifying Emu/Ostriches. I couldn't get any closer to the fence or I would've cried. |