A few different days this week, it has been so foggy. But then you remember that it's not fog and it's just gross air that you can actually see. I have attached a picture to show you an example of one of the mornings.
Last night we had a very interesting lesson! It was with a man named Ignacio. He is older, and a very faithful Seventh Day Adventist. He let us in and allowed us to start sharing our message. I say start, because he pulled out his Bible and wouldn't let us talk. It was difficult, and we tried resetting expectations a few different times. We had a member with us, and she kept trying to get a word in as well. The spirit wasn't very strong, and we all didn't know what to do. We were eventually able to teach and testify of the Restoration of the gospel, the priesthood, and of the Book of Mormon. He accepted a Book of Mormon, and then continued trying to teach us. At the end of the lesson, we sang a hymn, because that is always a great way to invite the spirit, and invited him to say the last prayer. The spirit was so strong as we sang, and during his humble prayer. I am grateful that we were able to leave his house on a good note, and that the spirit was strong. He isn't prepared at this time, but I know the spirit touched his heart, and a seed has been planted.
Since we had General Conference and then Stake Conference, yesterday was the first time back that we had to take the sacrament. Three weeks is a long time to go without the sacrament. For the week between the two conferences, I was challenged to prepare for the sacrament daily. Each day, I would pray and ask how I could improve, and asked for forgiveness for my weaknesses of that day. I was focusing more on remembering Christ at all times, and studying more about Him, his teachings, and his Atonement. This challenge turned into a two week thing, and will now be something that I do each week and each day. As I prepared daily for the sacrament, I was able to recognize the difference yesterday. I felt the spirit stronger, I thought more of our Savior, I was reminded of my covenants and have a stronger desire to be more conscience of them at all times. I know that the sacrament is a sacred ordinance and that it is necessary in helping us return to Heavenly Father for eternity.
I hope you are all preparing for Halloween. If your ward is having an activity, invite someone to it! Whether they are not members, less active members, or friends. Try to invite someone in the first two categories first, and then invite a friend. Fun activities are a great way to show everyone that we are normal people and enjoy having fun, eating, and making new friends.
Have the best day ever!
Hermana Sager
The view from our apartment |
My STL, Sister Mcguire. |
This is what a California moom looks like! |
New batch of missionaries and their trainers. Can you find Hermana Sager?? |
Adorable Sister Missionaries ! |