Tuesday, November 1, 2016


Letter from Oct 24


Today during my studies, my brain started wandering as I was studying about the Book of Mormon. I had a huge thought process and I had starting thinking about the chain reactions that occur because God loves us. After a couple minutes, I shook myself back into studying, but then realized that those thoughts that I had were actually important. I then took the time to write down my whole thought process, and felt the spirit so strongly. I know that we receive personal revelation from the spirit. That the spirit enlightens and helps us in times of need. Even though my studies didn't go as originally planned, I was strengthened and comforted, and feel prepared to teach our lessons tonight. I know that Heavenly Father loves us. I know that Jesus Christ set the perfect example and wants us to be happy. I know that the Holy Ghost testifies of them both, and guides us in following them.

Have the best day ever!
Hermana Sager

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