Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Heat and Happiness!!

Letter from June 27


My first week in Corona was hot, humid at night times, miserable in the apartment for like 2 days without air conditioning, wonderful because I met so many people, and absolutely fantastic because we had a baptism!

Hna Brown is wonderful! She's a lot like Hna Babb, and so it's really fun being with her. She is showing me all around Corona and introducing me to wonderful people! Corona is beautiful. It's unlike any area I've served in before. It's actually green here. There's actually trees. There are no dirt roads. It's weird. I'm sure I will come to love it. The less dirt roads, the less sand box shoes I have to walk in.

Sergio Pena got baptized. He is the Dad of this little family. The 2 older sons were baptized a few months ago, and the dad decided that he was ready! The mom will be getting baptized hopefully within the next month. Sergio Jr baptized his dad after receiving the priesthood all on the same day. The younger son will  be getting baptized in November after he turns 8. They are so happy. They love coming to church, they love learning more about the Gospel, and they love when we bring them candy.

No matter where I am in the mission, or where we are in the world, the Lord always has work for us to do. I know that Heavenly Father is preparing people for me to meet, and that he is using me to prepare others to accept the gospel at a later time. I love the Gospel. I know that the Gospel we teach and learn about is the exact one that Christ taught while he was on the earth.

Have the best day ever!
Hermana Sager

My wonderful and sparkly companion Hna Brown. It was her birthday on Saturday. Happy Birthday! 

They're so cute and happy. 
​I'm almost as tan as Hna Madrid

Theyre so majestic!! (not sure what this is all about  Sid didnt Explain)

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Perris To Corona!

Letter from June 20

 My new companion will be Hermana Brown. I'm leaving little Perris California to head a little more east to a place called Corona! It's just right above Lake Elsinore, and so I'm still staying nice and close.

This week was great! Working with Hermana Rasmussen is so fun. I plan to take everything that I am doing right now, modify it a little to be able to work with Hermana Brown, and we will continue to have fun and have success! I love the days when I come home feeling exhausted. Even if we only had one lesson, I know that we worked hard and still searched for the people who are ready and sought to do the Lord's will. I am excited to work with Hermana Brown, and to get to know another area of this golden little part of California. I am excited to meet more of my brothers and sisters, to love them, study for them, and serve them. I have goals to be more of a help to the Bishop and the leaders of the ward. I have goals to teach more simply and love more openly. I have goals to be more humble and diligent. I have goals to keep my mind more focused on the work, so that my actions and words will follow. I have goals to become more of the missionary that Christ wants me to become.

OKAY. The weather today is insane. The high is 113 degrees. That's a little warmer than I prefer. Especially because it turns our water bottles in the car into hot chocolate. Every time we pick up our water and it's really warm we start singing the hot chocolate song from Polar Express. It's like a little pump up song.

Hope you all had a happy Fathers day! I love my dad, my grandpas, my uncles, and all the wonderful dads I know! Especially Heavenly Father. Everyday should be Fathers day for him.

Have the best day ever!
Hermana Sager

​Our district! They're taking out a companionship from this ward, so 4 of us are leaving! 

​My eye is a little funny. But HAPPY!
​Mis hermanas. Las quiero mucho! 

Companion Tans!
​One night this week, we didn't have dinner with a member. So we bought 7 donuts for 4 dollars and this was the result. We gave the rest to some Elders. 

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Letter from June 13


The weather wasn't as warm this week. There was one day, where we almost needed a sweater. It was 65 degrees. But we've been told, that the heat will be coming to stay this next week.

We were given a lot of leftovers this week. They were wonderful! We showed up for dinner one night, and the family just handed us a huge pot of pozole, a type of soup, and sent us on our way. It was a really big pot. And there is just two of us. So we went to the church, and ate some nice soup. Then we brought it back the next day for a missionary correlation meeting, and made the elders in our ward eat some, and then we pawned it off on them. The members love us so much, and we love them! I am grateful that they are more than willing to feed us and to give us what they have. Feed the missionaries! Love them, and get to know them! If you are a missionary, love the members! Be their friends, and help them. And eat all their food that they give you. (That's the tricky part some times.)

Throughout the transfer we have been collecting prizes. We have bought a few glass ducks and things from yardsales, and then we find a lot of things that have been abandoned on the side of the road. We found a beat up Justin Bieber barbie doll. So we put a sock on him so he could have some clothes and put him in the box of prizes. We have been collecting for awhile and forget to hand them out to people. Today we had the perfect opportunity to do so. We had a zone hike and bbq! It was so fun! We hiked up a little mountain, recited the standard of truth as we waved our flag, and then slithered back down the mountain and had hamburgers at one of the home share members house. After eating lunch, Hermana Rasmussen and I wrote numbers on little papers, let everyone choose a number, and then depending on their number, we gave them an assigned prize. It turned out wonderfully! Mom, you sent a motion censored noise making elephant. I made the mistake of pulling out the little thing last night so it would make noise. One of the Elders appreciated receiving this elephant because he knew it would drive his companion insane. hehe. Another Elder happily accepted a nasty air freshener that looked like it was growing things on it. And one of the sisters absolutely loves her porcelain duck. But it was fun! Being a missionary is wonderful, because everything is fun.

We taught the Chauteco family how to keep the Sabbath day holy. After teaching them about the Sabbath day, Zaid told us that it makes sense. He just had never heard of it before as a day that is completely dedicated to the Lord. I know that as we do all that we can to Remember Him, and to keep his commandments, especially on his holy day, that we will grow closer to the Savior, and receive more answers to the questions that we have. Zaid is slowly strengthening his testimony and preparing for baptism. He is more confident, and loves learning. When he comes to church, he is the one that greets and the members. He's wonderful! We have a family home evening with him at a member families house tonight. The gospel really does bless lives. I love it!

Have the best day ever!
Hermana Sager

Zone hike today!! No sasquatch seen in Sun City, CA.
(notice the sasquatch call around Sid's neck)

Hermana Rasmussen and Hermana Sager at the Redlands Temple

​We love Luna and the temple! Put them together, and you've got it all.

Their true beauty Shinning through!

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Letter from June 7


We are back to 100 degree weather! Today it's a little cooler, with a high of 89. Back at home, when it was 89 I thought I was melting. Now it's nice.
Last Friday, my family sent me a package for hitting a year! The package sat outside the door all day long, so when I opened it up, the chocolate kisses were nice and squishy. They're in the fridge now, don't worry.

I am happy.
I love meeting new people.
I love sharing my testimony.
I love seeing people change.

The longer I'm here, the happier I am.

This week:
I saw a really big pig this week behind one of our investigators houses. I want to try and get a picture with it.
We found a squished cat on the road.
One of our members walked an hour and a half in the sun just to buy us tacos, and then walked back.
I tried tacos de cabeza, or tacos of head... head meat.. not sure, but not bad.
I read about Nephi and his faith.
I know that the Book of Mormon is the word of God.
I love being a missionary.

I go to the temple today and I'm so excited. It's definitely a little tricky getting everything done all on the same day, but it is worth it! I studied, went shopping, I'm now emailing, and then I get to go to the temple!! YAY! While we were on our way to the library, we pulled out our little library schedule, and saw that the library didn't open until 12 today.... but luckily there is another library in our area! We had to drive a little farther to get to it, but I am here. I am talking to you. And then I'll go to the temple. I just don't have full email time today. I'll try to get everything off! Might just be shorter.

Have the best day ever!
Hermana Sager

1 YEAR!!!!!! 

A member sent this to me the day they went to the temple!
Thanks Luna!!

Jumping for joy!!

Hermana Sager, Hermana Rasmussen and Luna!! 
I found this on another parents post and copied it.
This was when the whole mission was together to hear Elder Christopherson speak.
Sid is right behind Hermana Rasmussen in the bright yellow sweater in front.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Letter from May 30

Who misses me? I hope no one. There is no need to miss me, because we'll all see each other again. Here comes question number 2....


I can't. No puedo. Time just goes by so fast. This has been the best year of my life. I have loved every moment, and even if I haven't, then I forgot about the bad parts. I love being a missionary.

I have learned so much about the gospel, our Savior, myself, other people, and how I want to live my life. I have learned how to be diligent, to talk to people, to study, to share my testimony, to budget (still working on that one) and to love everyone I meet. Of course I'm still working on all of them actually. But I love doing it! I love learning, I love studying. I love serving! I love being a missionary and a representative for Jesus Christ and his church.

I know that Christ lives, that he loves me. I know that He loves each one of you and wants you to be happy every second of every day.
Be happy! Love others. They will feel the love of our Heavenly Father.

This week, we met with an investigator named Loordes. We taught her the Restoration, and as we were going along, she understood everything! She was able to teach herself and understands the need of the priesthood. She is so willing to learn, and to come to church. She said that she always wanted to get to know the Mormons and that she just never had the opportunity. We are her opportunity! She just moved into the area and doesn't know anyone, so told us that we could give her number out to our members to call her and to be her friends! We will be visiting her again tomorrow. Wish us luck!

My scripture of the week this last week was Alma 37:36-37.

 36 Yea, and cry unto God for all thy support; yea, let all thy doings be unto the Lord, and whithersoever thou goest let it be in the Lord; yea, let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord; yea, let the affections of thy heart be placed upon the Lord forever.

 37 Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good; yea, when thou liest down at night lie down unto the Lord, that he may watch over you in your sleep; and when thou risest in the morning let thy heart be full of thanks unto God; and if ye do these things, ye shall be lifted up at the last day.

Have the best day ever!
Hermana Sager

Hermana Sager, Sister Gonzalez, Hermana Rassmusen

Hermana Rassmusen, Sister Training Leaders and Hermana Sager


Comp in the back cam!!

Hermana Sager and her pet goats!! (not really her pets!!)